Welcome to Michigan Industrial Belting, where we have years of experience and service under our Belts. Since 1978 we have carried a comprehensive selection and huge inventory of conveyor belting, V-belts, Timing belts, metric, v-belts, metric timing belts, and all types of flat drive belts.
Our selection of conveyor belting ranges from conventional styles, such as the heavy duty 2 ply 220, 3 ply 330 rubber conveyor belting, along with various light duty conveyor belts such as PVC, black roughtop and food grade conveyor belting. Our high tech conveyor belting like Habasit Belting, Ammeraal Beltech, Forbo Siegling and Nitta Belting represent just a few of the major conveyor belt products we distribute.
We offer standard to special V-belts and timing belts from Bando to the highly engineered Brecoflex belts. If round belting is needed, we feature Habasit Belting polycord along with various other styles and colors to fit your equipment.
Since many conveyor belts, v-belts and especially timing belts are difficult to identify, we encourage you to call us. So use our toll free number 800-778-1650 and one of our specialized technicians will help identify your part or be happy to take your order.
